
General News

15 May, 2024

Gilgandra CWA Evening Branch News

The Gilgandra CWA Evening Branch held a meeting at the rooms on Warren Road on April 17.

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Hilda Newstead, Sue Armstrong, and Helen Oates celebrated ACWW ‘Women Walk The World’ event with a walk on April 29. Rebekah Makila with her great glazed chocolate cake at our meeting. Photo by Gilgandra CWA Evening Branch.
Hilda Newstead, Sue Armstrong, and Helen Oates celebrated ACWW ‘Women Walk The World’ event with a walk on April 29. Rebekah Makila with her great glazed chocolate cake at our meeting. Photo by Gilgandra CWA Evening Branch.

By Hilda Newstead

The Gilgandra CWA Evening Branch held a meeting at the rooms on Warren Road on April 17. It was a very busy meeting with much to discuss:

CWA State Conference: Four members and our patron attended the 102nd CWA NSW annual general meeting at the state conference held in Coffs Harbour on May 6.

Gilgandra show: catering for the show kiosk was an amazing success with the sun out after lunch and the crowd enjoying the show. We served bacon and egg rolls, scones, muffins, pies, and sandwiches; all very popular treats.

ANZAC Day: around 50 people attended the morning tea served at our CWA Rooms.

Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW): on April 29 with our global activity we celebrated ‘Women Walk the World’. The aim is to be in solidarity with our colleagues worldwide to raise funds for the ACWW ‘Rural Women in Action’ appeal.

Other catering: on May 1 we catered for a very successful wellbeing workshop serving morning tea and lunch.

Branch reports: All branch reports were tabled and well received.

The Land Cookery Report: Members brought along glazed chocolate cakes and the best presented cake belonged to Rebekah Makila, our winner for the night.

International Report: Once again a very informative presentation, we will all be speaking French by the end of the year! The French prioritise leisure and relaxation and with a 35-hour work week there's plenty of time for enjoyment. The country is well renowned for its wines and sophisticated cuisine.

Agricultural and Environment Report: We watched a short presentation on ‘microbats’, not to be confused with their noisy and conspicuous fruit-eating relatives. Microbats are rarely noticed. They are small, fitting in your hand like a Harry Potter golden snitch, weighing from just 3 to 14.5 grams. These enigmatic little creatures could be your nearest neighbours. There are around 35 separate species in NSW of microbat.

Publicity Report: Gilgandra was represented at an online meeting, with the publicity support forum panel to finalise the publicity stand at the Coffs Harbour conference. The CWA Gilgandra Market was discussed, and our last month's meeting published in The Gilgandra Weekly.

Overall, it was a productive meeting followed by supper (and glazed chocolate cake).


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