The Gilgandra Weekly circulates over 850 copies (weekly) in the Gilgandra shire and adjoining shire areas of Warrumbungle, Coonamble, Warren and Dubbo.
Including the towns/villages of Gilgandra, Tooraweenah, Collie, Armatree, Dubbo, Gulargambone, Mendooran and Eumungerie.

Broadacre cropping (wheat, pulses, sorghum, cotton and canola), local government, private enterprises, sheep, cattle, olive oil, cheese, free range eggs, farm machinery, agricultural supplies, commercial printing and publishing (Gilgandra Newspapers - The Gilgandra Weekly).
The Gilgandra Weekly covers all aspects of rural community life such as news, local sport, Classrooms News, Person of the Week, Health Tips, court reporting, police news, a two-page TV Guide, Classifieds, volunteer and community groups reports, and local government news.
Each publication is printed with a spot colour masthead. Publication is mono however, spot colour advertisements are available on request.
We publish advertising supplements including Christmas, sports team grand finals, Winter Wonderland business special, drought, historical features and Shop Local Promotion.
The Gilgandra shire is situated in central west NSW. Population is 4200. The township is located on the Castlereagh River, Australia’s largest underground river. Three major highways intersect the town - Castlereagh, Oxley and the Newell. Gilgandra is the inland mid-point between Melbourne and Brisbane.
Gilgandra is a rural shire with sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, hobby farms and broadacre cropping the main industries. The Inland Rail Project will also travel through the shire.
The township is situated 65 kilometres north from our regional hub of Dubbo. It features a strong business community including cafes, gift shops, supermarket, pharmacy, vet, art gallery, tourism spots, museums and many agricultural-based businesses.
The area has a strong community base of volunteer organisations and community activities.
Gilgandra historically was the starting point of the famous 1915 Coo-ee March, for soldiers recruiting for World War One.