Community & Business
30 January, 2025
Pump failure at Gilgandra water treatment plant
Council appeals to the community to conserve water

Gilgandra Shire Council (GSC) is appealing to residents of Gilgandra township to be mindful of their water consumption due to a failure of one of the main pumps at the Water Treatment Plant.
The Water Treatment Plant relies on two pumps to pump water from the treatment plant to the reservoirs. One of these pumps has failed, and the remaining pump cannot maintain acceptable levels in the reservoir whilst water consumption is at its current usage.
General Manager David Neeves urges residents to assist,
“We are asking residents to work together with us to manage our consumptions of water.
I urge the community to voluntarily reduce consumption. The fact is on hot days our consumption is greater than our production capabilities with just one pump. Should current consumption levels remain, Council will have no alternative but to introduce water restrictions.
We acknowledge that it is a hot and dry summer, and there is a desire to conserve gardens and stay cool, however we do ask that you be mindful of your water consumptions, particularly watering of lawns and gardens and the time of day when this occurs.
The failed pump is a specialty item, purpose built for our water treatment plant and has been sent to a service centre for repairs; however, this may take a number of weeks.
Please note, that Ernie Knight, McGrane Oval, Hunter Park, Cooee Lodge and Retirement Village all have their own alternate bore water supply.
Your support is greatly appreciated, and updates will be provided to the community.”